Vidya Pratishthan is a name fondly synonymous with education in all its myriad forms and academic aspects. Right since its inception in 1972, the Institution has majestically scaled the ladder of success with profundity that aptly reflects its commitment to accord educational facilities to all sections of society. Duly realizing the absolute necessity of providing class education to the kith and kin of farmers, labourers and villagers, Vidya Pratishthan took it upon itself the need based endeavour of making education accessible to the poor and the deserving. Backed by the illustrious visionary, Hon. Shri Sharadchandra Pawar and indomitable leader, Hon. Shri Ajitdada Pawar and Hon. Sou Sunetra Pawar with experienced guidance by the members of the Management Committee; the Pratishthan ushered in an era of imparting general as well as Technical Education through the Institutions, which are captained by illustrious personalities in their respective fields.
With a sprawling campus of 156 acres, the Pratishthan houses 25 Institutions, where more than 23,000 students are nurtured daily to turn them into the dearest citizens of the nation and sought after persons to the world of Knowledge. The dry, desolate and rocky landmass once upon a time has been turned into an artistically carved out landscape that creates just the right aura and decor of the Academia. Ultra-modern hostels cater to the need of cozy, comfortable and spacious accommodation for the students, while plush residential quarters are provided to the teaching and non-teaching staff. In a nutshell, it is sheer grandeur blended with aesthetic sophistication that makes Vidya Pratishthan, a truly class Educational Institution with a touch of magnificence in all its fields.