Environmental Forum Of India

The world has witnessed repercussions of global warming on the environment. India is not immune to it, but in addition, it also faces various challenges of diverse nature of its own. The prominent challenge is the lack of environment awareness among the large rural community residing in the remote places of India. Identifying the sensitive nature of this issue Mrs. Sunetra Ajit Pawar founded the “Environmental Forum of India”, an NGO with the vision to provide environmental education, and sustainable development. The guiding principal of the forum is to educate the students as they not get educated but they also replicate in their families and in turn help us to make our society and our environment a more beautiful place to live.

The NGO largely works in rural areas through various workshops to spread awareness about the current scenario of deteriorating environment and educate them of ways to restore the deteriorated elements back to mother earth. Mrs. Sunetra Ajit Pawar, respectfully addressed as ‘Vahini’, along with her team of dedicated members conducted and implemented various programmes for this noble initiative in remote areas of the Maharashtra. Environmental Forum of India initiated their efforts from Baramati in Maharashtra State, and now having the vast experience and expertise of addressing environment issue has decided to expand to other areas in India, in collaboration with national and international partners.

With various workshops, events and seminars conducted regularly at state and national level, the NGO aims to spread environmental awareness on a larger scale and also provide a platform for dialogues & discussions between locals and government officials, entrepreneurs, academicians, members of environmental movements and media. Now the time has come to address issues and make positive changes. Changes that will revive our earth back to green. Join in to make the world a better place to live for the next generations to come.

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